Progressive Strata Services has a wide range of experience, the following is just a small snapshot!
739 Old South Head Road, Vaucluse
A block of 9 company title, refurbished during our management, when completed will have a new roof and rear retaining wall, and converted to strata title
1B Coulson Street, Erskineville
A mixed use building which was constructed in 2003, block of 33 units and 3 shops. We did the set up for the developer, and continue to manage the scheme.
206 Victoria Road, Bellevue Hill
This building will commence a building project valued at $1mil to refurbish common areas in 2007. The aim is to capitally appreciate the scheme to the benefit of all owners.
39 Roslyn Gardens, Elizabeth Bay
Roslyn Gardens is a 1920's art deco style undergoing refurbishment. Part of the front of the building fell into the street a few days before Christmas in 2003. Various authorities attended the site with their demands. The issues were managed and the works undertaken, which have greatly enhanced the scheme. The owners are on a program to do the other 3 sides, staged over a few years. Total value of the project is over $1mil.
2 Crick Avenue, Potts Point
This project is in the finishing stages of a 3 part project to bring the common areas both up to a reasonable standard on a maintenance program, but also to refurbish the interior. Two years ago $700,000 was spent rectifying the roof, which involved relocating residents and paying alternative accommodation, reimbursement to owners those whose unit was vacant during construction, as well as payments to the contractors. The current stage will see the remaining major issues resolved long term, and a beautification process. All will add value to the owners properties.
5 Kimberley Street, Vaucluse
This property management has included the reconstructions and repairs to a carport for $30,000
Various Home Owners Warranty Claims under different insurers, for various sums at all stages of claims and rectification, including one comnencing civil proceedings in the Supreme Court.