Progressive Strata Services

Accounting services

All accounting services that are required by law are provided by our in-house team, to ensure that the financial responsibility of your scheme is maintained. We:

  • Establish and maintain the trust account
  • Monitor levy arrears and recover levies where necessary (6 weeks after the due date of the levy)
  • Approve invoices on behalf of owners corporation (eg for water charges, council rates, maintenance). Invoices over $1,100 we ask an Executive Member to approve to ensure the job is satisfactory.
  • Pay disbursements and expenses incurred in connection with agent's management of the strata scheme
  • Provide a monthly accounts paid summary - providing details of payments made during a calendar month, to the Treasurer (or other person of your choice)
  • Arrange for preparation and lodgement of BAS's if appropriate
  • Provide and assist Accounting firms to undertake your annual taxation return and lodgement of same
  • Assist the auditor (if you obtain an audit) in providing accounts and records for auditing
  • Produce the annual set of accounts for the Annual General Meeting
  • Prepare the administrative fund budget and arrange for the sinking fund budget
  • Manage the administrative fund and sinking fund including by investing your funds to get a better interest rate, than your day to day chequing account where possible.
  • Provide an on-line service to the treasurer (or other person of your choice) so they can access various information about the schemes finances at any time of the day or night to suit themselves.  (Password protected)